A Tribute to all my Fabulous Readers!
Quick update on future articles and Thanking every single one of my readers for the continuous support!
Hello everyone and I hope everyone is having a great day! This article is different from the other articles that I usually publish, primarily focusing on artificial intelligence, Python, and Data Science. Many of the active readers and followers may have noticed that I have been actively publishing for almost 3 years consistently every month.
Writing articles, learning more, and helping others with numerous topics through these articles have been a truly passionate journey of mine throughout the years. I have had an extremely fun time writing articles, sharing knowledge, and learning more from my peers.
The journey for the past three years has been fantastic and the readers with their amazing feedback have kept me motivated throughout my endeavor. I still have a burning passion for writing articles and helping others.
However, I will now be pursuing my master’s in Artificial Intelligence abroad at a prestigious University. I will be shifting my focus on my master’s for the next couple of years.
It has been a wonderful journey with so much to learn and experience with every single one of my readers. I will be getting back to my passion for writing again once I have encompassed more knowledge and finished my studies.
Until then, I would like to thank every single one of my readers for their continuous support throughout the years. And finally thanks to TDS Editors for a great writing experience in their Towards Data Science publication, where you can check out a majority of my articles.
I wish you all a wonderful day!